Passion Week Devo - How can we wait well? [Saturday]

waiting waiting well Mar 08, 2024

Have you ever waited for something and wondered what was going on? I’ve been in many situations where I thought something should be happening but I began to lose hope that it would ever turn out okay.

People wait for with great longing for:

o   A loved one to come to salvation

o   Financial breakthrough

o   A ministry or job opportunity

o   A spouse

o   Physical, emotional, or relational healing

Waiting can be one of the most difficult tasks we need to do. It saps your energy even though you may not need to actually be doing anything.

I’m not sure but I think waiting is hard because we have expectations that are not being met. We think “it” was supposed to happen sooner or come easier. “It” wasn’t supposed to look like what is really happening.

The disciples were facing all these things on Saturday. The Jesus who did all the miracles was dead. They knew best of all about his supernatural abilities and so they...

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Passion Week Devo - Why is sin such a big deal? [Friday]

Sin, by definition, is “an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law” or in more simple terms “doing something wrong”. And we all have done it. Sinned. Done something wrong. If we say we haven’t, we are lying and there you go – we did something wrong!

So, if we all do it, why is it such a big deal?

The answer is very beautiful and very painful.

God’s plan for us and for the whole world was that we would live sinless lives – in perfect harmony and relationship with him and others. But you know the story - Adam and Eve messed up and ate the fruit. The one thing they were not supposed to do and they just went ahead and did it.

It cost them their close relationship with God. There was a separation between them that happened at that point.

Not only that. Because of sin, all sorts of evil entered the world. Sickness came. Hate came. Unkindness and evil of all flavors is here because of sin.

And it’s not...

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Passion Week Devo - Where was the kingdom? [Thursday]

Jesus spent a lot of time talking about the kingdom. The kingdom he was talking about was not one to rival the Roman government. It was bigger than that.

In John 18:36, “Jesus answered, ‘My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world.’”

Jesus told stories about the kingdom and compared it to many things like seed planted by a farmer, yeast, a hidden pearl, a fishing net, a wedding feast, and more. 

The people of his time were looking for an external kingdom, but he was offering an internal perspective shift - an alternative way of approaching the times.

Maybe we need that too.

Maybe the devotional question for today should be, “Where IS the kingdom”?

Thursday of Passion week is the day we remember Jesus’ final meal with his disciples. This is the one where he washed their feet and where we get our tradition of...

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Passion Week Devo - When did Jesus move? [Wednesday]

If I oversaw Jesus’ timeline, I would have made a couple of significant timing decisions differently.

First, what was up with his ministry not going public till he was thirty? Was he not ready? Did the world not need him till then? What was the holdup?

And then once he started forwarding the kingdom full-time, Personally, I think he should have stayed around a little longer. If I were on the leadership team determining whether the disciples were ready to “take it from there” I would have voted, “No” quite adamantly.

Good thing I wasn’t in charge!

Galatians 4:4 shows us the Father was in charge of the timing. “But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law.

John 5:19-20a says, “So Jesus explained, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows him...

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Passion Week Devo - What was Jesusโ€™ mission? [Tuesday]

come to the table gifts Mar 08, 2024

Yesterday we talked about how Jesus showing up as Messiah was different than what the people expected. So what was his mission? If he didn’t come to rule as an earthly king - why did he come?

I like how John 12:46 puts it.

“I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark.”

What does it mean to be in the dark, or to remain in the dark?

Have you ever heard of someone say they felt like they were “kept in the dark” when everyone else knew something and somehow, they were not in the loop? 

I felt like that before a cruise we went on. The idea that all the restaurants were available at no extra cost seemed too good to be true. But then, when we went, we found it was literally true. The buffet was available all day, and they kept changing what was offered. There were also multiple types of restaurants that were also all free. The pizza by the pool… free. It was like a...

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Passion Week Devo - Who are you expecting as your Messiah? [Monday]

 Who are you expecting as your Messiah?


Today is the day after Palm Sunday, that’s when the church traditionally celebrates Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. The Jewish people were hoping Jesus was finally going to step up and reveal himself clearly as their king. They were expecting a Messiah who would overthrow the Roman government and set up an independent Jewish country, but we see over and over that Jesus had a different agenda.


John 18:36 says, “Jesus answered, ‘My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world.’”


Recently I was praying and asking God to meet a specific need in a certain way. I had an expectation of God showing up how I imagined. Then I read,


         Psalm 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of...

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Passion Week Devo Series

In church history the week before Easter has traditionally been called Passion Week. A few years back I wrote a short devotional for our church for each day of Passion Week and I want to share them with you here this year.

You'll see one in your inbox early each Morning this week leading up to Easter.

Join us as we devotionally ask a question for each day of this week – Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.

(If you are not on our blog list join us here to get these devos delivered right to your inbox.

P.S. We love our church, if you live in the Lancaster County area you can join us live. If you don't live locally feel free to join us online. For more info: Worship Center

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3 Little Words That Can Change Everything- Core Competency #6

Coaching Core Competency $6 is: Listens Actively.

At Bridges Coaching, we explore two pillars of coaching - Active Listening and Asking Powerful Questions. Our focus today is the former and needs to come first. 

Here are a few clarifying facts about Active Listening:

  • Active Listening is the opposite of Passive Listening (which is exactly what you are thinking it is.)
  • Active Listening is perhaps the best way to love someone. 
  • Active LIstening is serving someone else. It shows them that their words are important and valuable, and their thoughts are worthy of being expressed fully.
  • Active Listening requires intent focus, not just waiting your turn nicely.
  • Active LIstening is truly curious.
  • Active LIstening is a way to partner with the Holy Spirit to trust that God is indwelling the person speaking. 

Think about it. When someone truly listens to you, you feel important, cared for, and valuable. When you are processing something and someone lets you...

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Giving The Gift Everyone Wants - Core Competency #5

Coaching Core Competency #5. Maintains Presence.

We all want it but struggle to give it. Presence.

I'm not going to go on a rant about social media. Social media is like sugar - too much and it's not healthy, but you need to decide how much and when you indulge. Granted social media is one of the biggest distractions that keeps us all from giving focused attention, but it is only one of them.

In our Coaching Culture training, we delve into metacognition and take a look at what kinds of self-talk are happening while we are trying to listen. Want to join us? Can you think of a conversation you have had where one or more of these thoughts is going on in your head while the other person is sharing?

  • I can't believe they are sharing this with me again... if I have to listen through this all one. more. time...
  • I went through the same thing, only worse, shall I share it with them?
  • I wonder what we should have for dinner.
  • I actually don't "have a minute" right now. How can I ask them to...
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The #1 Enemy Of Trust And Safety - Coaching Core Competency #4

Coaching Core Competency #4 is Cultivates Safety and Trust

It's just natural to judge. If we are honest we all have thoughts about others. We think they should move faster, prioritize differently, be more at peace, have more fun, or be more focused... and the list could go on!

We are all uniquely designed! (You can learn more about that here if you like. We are planning a new cohort launch soon!) We all have differing strengths and weaknesses, different callings and priorities.

If you have kids or grandkids it is quite evident. Some are quiet, some are competitive, some are artistic, and some are naturally funny. God did that. He made us all different. 

And then He gave us free will. 

Some of us go after goals hard and fast and others choose to focus on enjoying life. Neither is right or wrong if they are not in an extreme. 

So what does this all mean in coaching?

As we explore Core Competency #4 Cultivates Safety and Trust, it means we provide a place where the...

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