6 Key Components In Quality Coach Training

What actually happens in Bridges Coach Training? Here we go!

You'll meet online 3 times for a group class with all who are in your cohort at the beginning, middle, and end of your training. In between those gatherings, you will meet with your peer partner and your facilitator, also likely online - which makes distance not a problem and eliminates travel time. Our low ratios of trainer to trainee are unparalleled. 

1) We start with a clear definition of coaching.

There are many definitions, and different concepts, about what "coaching" really is. A fair amount of our trainees came to us because they felt they were good at guiding people to what they should do. Sports Coaches do that. Leadership Consultants often interchange the word "coach" with what they do. 

At Bridges Coaching, we align with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and Christian Coaches Network International (CCNI), whose definitions do not include any form of telling others what to do, but rather...

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Honest Ownership May The Most Important, and Most Neglected, Step

So, you've named your thing. You have decided on a goal, or named an obstacle you want to remove. Congrats!

The good news is that you can't move toward something till you name it,  so good on ya! Yay!

But wait, there's more. Let me explain.

I can't tell you how often I have identified (named) a goal or an obstacle and felt strongly about it, only to see it fall by the wayside without a healthy assessment and then a plan for forward movement. 

Here are a few examples from my life or others:

  • That's it, no more sugar for me until I lose X pounds. What's wrong with me that I can't control myself?
  • I see now that I keep thinking I am not enough, this pattern of thinking has cost me too much sideways energy. I can't keep facing life through this lens.
  • Okay, I know God wants me to make that move! (or do that project, or start or finish that thing) This is going to be great!
  • Here's the thing, this angst won't change until I talk to that person. I just need to do it. 


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What Does Success Look Like To You?

If you take Coach Training with Bridges you will learn about Active Listening and Asking Powerful Questions. We'll talk through defining someone's focus and teach you how to assist with making SMART goals- quality action steps, but we hope that the BIGGEST TAKEAWAY for all our trainees is our definition of success. Put simply:

Success is an active relationship with God. 

Completing an accomplishment is great. Good Coaching certainly helps people with forward movement, but as believers achieving goals cannot be our primary motivation. Our worth is not in whether or not we get "there" or get "that" done in our lifetime, our worth comes from our adoption into the family of God. It comes from our connection with a settled place with our Father in eternity.

At Bridges Coaching when an action step does not result in the desired outcome we say, "'Failure' is good research." But true "failure" is not having a soul connection with God. His Spirit is in us longing for...

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4 Tips for Coaching Introverts and 4 for Extroverts too

The chatty and thinkers - both benefit from good coaching. 

In this series, we are going through the differentiators in Myers-Briggs and talking through each type of indicator. Whether you coach in actual sessions or use coaching culture in your regular conversations, these tips can help! Our focus in this blog is Introversion and Extroversion.

Let's begin with definitions, basically, introverts think inside their head. They prefer to process quietly on their own and have likely thought through what they are about to say when they speak. Extroverts, on the other hand, think best while speaking. 

Neither is a better way. Both have different assets. All benefit from coaching and here's how.

Introverts being coached should find a safe space to process. When introverts have to choose words to explain what they are thinking and feeling it helps them to identify more clearly what is happening. Being an introvert myself I have experienced this many times. I ask someone...

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Who Offers Them A Plan... GOOD NEWS! (and hard news...)

Wouldn't you just love it if you could see someone who would just tell you what to do when you were in a jam? If they were sage and savvy and could come through every time it would be well worth the investment.

GOOD NEWS! (and hard news...)

Here's the skinny. We DO have Someone we can go to for the plan! Our plan! Our personal best next steps!

The Holy Spirit IS our Guide! The coaching conversation helps us discern the plan God has for us. Proverbs 4:11 says, "I am guiding you in the way of wisdom, and I am leading you on the right path."

Experience tells us it is not that easy though. So the good news is we DO have a Divine Guide, the hard news is we have to grow in learning how to discern. I don't know about you, but I swing that pendulum back and forth. Sometimes I am so sure that what I am sensing is the plan turns out not to work out. Does that mean I missed it? Or was it just a test? Other times I am paralyzed with concern or...

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Who Meets A Guide (who understands their fear)

Let's review our first steps in comparing StoryBrand marketing and Coaching.

First, we talked about how the conversation needs to be about the person being coached. They are the main character in the story we are writing together.

Next, we talked about the problem. One of the big differences between a coaching conversation and just "friending" is that we are purposefully focusing on a chosen outcome that the person being coached wants to focus on!

Next up is today's focus: who meets a guide who understands their fear. 

Here are some of the fears that good coaching helps people recognize:

  • feeling stuck with no way out
  • not knowing what to do, or even if there is anything that can be done
  • feeling abandoned by God and others
  • questioning if there is even hope for the future

In Bridges coaching, we talk about the Always Circle and associated lies. There's ALWAYS going to be stuff. God ALWAYS offers a plan. We ALWAYS make choices. Uncovering the associated lies...

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Decisions Come From One of Two Places

In our journey of coaching people better by knowing their Myers-Briggs makeup our third letters are T & F, for Thinking and Feeling. (First, we had I/E for Introversion and Extroversion and then N/S for INtuitive and Sensor,)

Do you know your letters?

I'm an INTJ - Introverted INtuitive Thinker and Judger (more on the 4th letters next time). My husband is ENFJ, so I know a lot about the other letters since we differ on almost all of them. 

Let's talk about T & F. Thinking and Feeling refers to how we make our decisions. Thinkers make decisions from logic. I used to think Feelers made their decisions from emotion and that bothered me because emotions can change, but turns out I was wrong. Feelers make their decisions based on values. Let me explain.

Thinkers look at the facts. They calculate efficiency and cost for effect while factoring in variables to come up with what they feel is the best (most logical) option.

Feelers look at the values. They consider who will...

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What Kind Of An "Aha" Are You Looking For?

Coaching Core Competency #7: Evokes Awareness

Have you ever heard people talking about an "Aha" moment? They look different for different people and even different for the same person at different times.

Here are a few I can think of:

- "Oh, that's what I should do!"

- "I see now, I am believing a lie, that's what has been holding me back!"

- "Yeah, I need to wait on that."

-"What if I just started with one small step?"

-"Maybe I should get some help with that."

These are all actually "Aha" moments I have had personally. Here are a few more:

"I see a pattern here... I have thought that before."

"Oh! God wants to reveal Himself to me in a new way here!"

"I think I just need to try it and see if it works."

Aha moments are most often preceded by two things: a powerful question and space to talk it out.

The Coaching industry uses the words "powerful questions", at Bridges we often say "empowering questions" and lately I have been taking it a little further and saying "insightful...

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