Every good story has a plot.
Every great movie has a crisis that needs to be resolved.
But there are bad stories and bad movies too. The top two complaints are either that it is boring or does not end well.
What kind of a story will this next year be for you?
Will be boring? More of the same 'ol, same 'ol? Will it have a sad ending, or one that does not resolve a crisis, or accomplish a great goal?
There is a blank page waiting for you to write on it.
Coaching helps people write the story they want to read at the end of the year.
If you would like help with your story consider coaching from one of our Associate Coaches or get our Traction book for some self-guided coaching.
Or if you want to help people write their stories well, Coach Training will give you the tools to help people move toward their preferred future! The next cohort starts soon! (Click the "I'm Interested" button for more info!)
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