8 Reasons NOT to make goals!

goals new years smart goals Jan 10, 2022

Looking for reasons not to make goals. Maybe I can help. If any of these are true for you, maybe it would be best to just stay the course.

#1 – You are right where you want to be in all the areas of your lifeOpen the 
Wheel of Life Assessment and do the project to be sure you are a 10 in every area.
 (Okay, maybe my reasons are tongue in cheek, but hear me out?)

 #2 – You’ve made goals before, and they didn’t work out.

This one hurts. I’ve been there. You get all pumped up about a dream becoming a reality, but then reality burst syour dream bubble.

Can I propose that making a SMART goal could be the cure for this one? Google it, hire a coach, or get the Traction self-coaching guide to walk you through goals that work for you!

#3 – You prefer to just “see how things go”.

This one could actually be a good reason if you really sense God asking you to let things go. It would probably be best said in...

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