Why "Naming" Is SO Valuable

focus good coaching Aug 03, 2024

Ever have a certain feeling that just isn't right, but you can't put your finger on it?

Or in another arena, you just can't decide which option to choose?

That vague grey cloud can be confusing at best but also can be debilitating if it keeps you stuck waiting for resolution somehow.

Let's explore a little more. Sometimes I have a feeling of discord in my soul. I'm not sure if it is something I did or didn't do right, or something someone said or did to me. I just know there is a disturbance and something just isn't right. Maybe I am just overtired, or angsty about something, and all I know for sure is that something is "off".

Or maybe I am thinking about the future and there are so many options I feel paralyzed so I just don't think about it. Then, one day, it is months or even years later and I realize I put that area of my life on a shelf somewhere and decided by default not to pursue "it". 

The "it" could be so many different things: a house project, vacation plans, an...

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Giving The Gift Everyone Wants - Core Competency #5

Coaching Core Competency #5. Maintains Presence.

We all want it but struggle to give it. Presence.

I'm not going to go on a rant about social media. Social media is like sugar - too much and it's not healthy, but you need to decide how much and when you indulge. Granted social media is one of the biggest distractions that keeps us all from giving focused attention, but it is only one of them.

In our Coaching Culture training, we delve into metacognition and take a look at what kinds of self-talk are happening while we are trying to listen. Want to join us? Can you think of a conversation you have had where one or more of these thoughts is going on in your head while the other person is sharing?

  • I can't believe they are sharing this with me again... if I have to listen through this all one. more. time...
  • I went through the same thing, only worse, shall I share it with them?
  • I wonder what we should have for dinner.
  • I actually don't "have a minute" right now. How can I ask them to...
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3 Reasons People Feel Unmotivated at this time (AND How To Flip The Script!)

focus frustration new life Mar 28, 2020

What an odd time we are all in! Few would have seen this coming and yet here we are.

I don’t know about you, but when this all first came down I dreamed this could be a time of leaning into some changes I had been considering.

Okay I’ll be vulnerable…. 

What I wanted to do was to get serious/consistent about logging my food daily, make a new habit of doing my physical therapy, set some intentional time aside for Bridges development (my side hustle), send out a handwritten card each day and be intentional about connecting with family during this season.

What actually happened, so far, was extra time with family…

Here’s the 3 reasons I think motivation is lacking in this season:

1) A new normal syphons a lot of energy. Even though most of us gave up a commute, depending on our situations we now have other things on our plate – online everything, meal planning, taking care of kids, checking in with compromised family members.

Needing to be...

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Four “If’s” To Clarify Your Plotline

All good stories have one thing in common. All of them.

Think about it. Got any ideas?

Here’s a hint. Have you ever stopped watching a series? The number one reason people stop watching a series, or skip ahead in a book, is because they are bored.

Here it is: one thing all good stories have in common is a plot!

The plot gives us a reason to keep watching. We are wondering what’s going to happen?


If you are bored with your life, it’s likely your plot line is lagging. Have you given up hope? Are you not sure what’s next?

Having a destination clarifies the journey!

  • If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know what your next step is?
  • If you don’t have a purpose, your adventure is on pause.
  • If you can’t move forward for some reason, removing that reason can be your next target.
  • If you don’t have a dream, whose dream could your skills make happen?

If you are still living there is a reason. God has something for you to...

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3 Essential Elements To Being Coachable [Step 1: Choose A Goal]

Coaching isn’t for the weak. Moving forward isn’t usually easy. It takes clarity, confidence and courage to advance, for both the coach and the coachee.

Let’s break it down. If Coaching = moving from here to there, then a vital element in the coaching conversation starts with the “there”.

If someone isn’t sure where they are heading, they are just roaming.

Roaming means wandering around, or not having a destination. There are two common detriments that distract people from having a focus.

1. Lack of vision. This type of roaming focuses more on circumstances than the change needed to experience release. It comes out as complaining and can disguise itself in the need for empathy and validation while being absent of hope and forward movement. [The 10 spies had this problem! What they saw was real, they just didn’t have the right focus. Or the guy with one talent who did nothing with it…]

Honestly this can happen for me when I am looking...

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