Your "Best Saturday" Self

Some Saturdays are filled with stuff to do, or places you have to be, but those are not the ones we are talking about here. Let's focus on those wonderful Saturdays when there's white space... They are probably rare, but also probably wonderful.

Close your eyes with me for a minute and remember that time when you weren't quite sure what to do - the to-do list was blank and so was the calendar and you had that rare thought, "What do I want to do today?"

That's the feeling of Sabbath rest. 

It's a time when you just enjoy life, you connect with your Creator and likely His creation, you are not in a hurry, you eat good food, and have the luxury of time for quality conversation. Your soul sighs, "Ahhh....." in the satisfied kind of way. 

Your Best Saturday self celebrates a week well spent.

Your Best Saturday self enjoys the present and takes a break from thinking about what's coming up.

There is no worry, anxiety, or concern there. It's a true break from the work week and the...

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3 Ways To Keep That One Holiday Conversation From Getting Highjacked!

Not looking forward to certain conversations over the holidays? Let's talk about that friend or family member who is stuck. They have been thinking about doing something new or moving toward a goal, but they've been hovering around the idea or stuck in the hurt or habit for months, or maybe even years...

What if that holiday conversation could be something you looked forward to?

What if you could reframe that tricky topic as an opportunity to connect with God by sharing His deep love for that person? 

What if you could slow down and feel Him close, for yourself, during this season?

The possibilities for engaging with the Light during this season are more available than you may realize. If you seek Him, He can be found! Here are 3 simple tips that could make all the difference!

1- Release control!

What?! I hear it. You don't think you want to control others, that sounds so.... controlling. What you really want is for them to "get unstuck", find traction and be...

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