Passion Week Devo - How can we wait well? [Saturday]

waiting waiting well Mar 08, 2024

Have you ever waited for something and wondered what was going on? I’ve been in many situations where I thought something should be happening but I began to lose hope that it would ever turn out okay.

People wait for with great longing for:

o   A loved one to come to salvation

o   Financial breakthrough

o   A ministry or job opportunity

o   A spouse

o   Physical, emotional, or relational healing

Waiting can be one of the most difficult tasks we need to do. It saps your energy even though you may not need to actually be doing anything.

I’m not sure but I think waiting is hard because we have expectations that are not being met. We think “it” was supposed to happen sooner or come easier. “It” wasn’t supposed to look like what is really happening.

The disciples were facing all these things on Saturday. The Jesus who did all the miracles was dead. They knew best of all about his supernatural abilities and so they...

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