Whatโ€™s At Stake If You Put It Off Destiny By Design?

Taking Destiny By Design doesn’t guarantee you a preferred future, and it’s not for everyone, but if you can’t say for sure where you are headed, it’s not likely you will get out of the fog by accident.

That’s kind of like saying your financial plan is to win the lottery.

It’s not very likely. Especially if you don’t play. 

Here's what’s at stake:

  • Wasted time waiting for something to come to you.
  • Unrealized potential, because you didn’t even know what to do.
  • Missed opportunities never considered.
  • Recognition of personal uniqueness: giftings, passions, calling, strengths...

People who need what you have to give are waiting for you to step up.

Not that God couldn’t use another, but why not be all you can be (and we’re not talking about the army)!

Understanding your Destiny by Design may be closer than you think!

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