Why Hermits Don’t Need Coach Training (And Five Reasons Other People Love It!)

I’m not really sure if this guy is a hermit or not. In fact when I looked for a photo to use I had to search on the word “Lonely” instead of hermit. (I only got crabs when I searched using “hermit”.)

Next I thought I would make a list of stereo typical things people think about hermits but the only universal one I could come up with is they don’t interact with other people much or at all.

So what’s that got to do with coach training?

Let me back up a bit and give you a few reasons people take coach training.

  • They want to enhance their leadership skills and help their people grow.
  • They heard coaching is Biblical and they want to check it out.
  • They want to be better parents, and help their children take ownership for their lives.
  • They are looking for tools to build better relational skills.
  • They heard coaching helped others in their marriage and with other family relationships.

When marketing people ask me “Who would benefit from...

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