An Aha Moment About Being "Right"

Have you ever been "right" about something? 

Maybe you clearly saw what someone should do in a certain situation or relationship, or maybe you saw something that needed to be seen in an organization. Maybe you noted someone was not living out their faith according to the Bible, or maybe you saw a priority that was being neglected in someone's personal life or family interactions.

Turns out I think we think we are right a LOT.  And sometimes we are right, but how we decide what to do with that knowledge is very important.

There are different kinds of "right". One is when something is morally right or wrong or when there is an organizational protocol that is less than what it could be. In these situations, there is either a Biblical mandate being neglected, a lack of educational awareness, or an organizational blind spot. There is a "right" that can be verbalized. 

Another kind of "right" is more subtle. It has to do more with the how than the what of a situation. We...

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