Step 3: OK, Let's Get Some Traction!

Let's review our journey on the Bridges Coaching ROAD so far. 

R - take some time to RECOGNIZE where you want to go. Where are you building a bridge to? Please don't just pick something that bugs you, or even what jazzes you. Take time to discern where God is leading you to next! More on that here.

O - consider your personality and your track record. If what you were shooting for was easy, you would probably already be there or at least on your way. A new goal, a new journey, is going to take some OWNERSHIP on your part. Ask yourself what obstacles need to be addressed for you to move forward.

This brings us to our next letter in the Coaching ROAD.

A - is for ACTION STEPS.

Most people probably find the most traction here. This answers the "Now what?" question. Learning to make SMART goals is something our coach trainees say is a highlight of their studies. Defining where you want to build toward and what has held you back are important first steps, but we still haven't...

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Which Four Letter Word Is Your Go-To?

There are two four-letter words we are going to focus on today.

The first is: lazy. (Probably not the first four-letter word you thought of.)

There are basically two kinds of lazy.

One is intentional -  it includes rest, like a Sabbatical or a Sabbath, a nap, or even an extra good night's sleep. It could be taking a walk, listening to some good music (I recently discovered smooth jazz and only wish I would have known about it sooner), having a slow conversation with a good friend, or enjoying a special meal.

The other is unintentional. Unintentional laziness is when you didn't set out to slow down or neglect an area of your life, you just drifted into being stuck by accident. Unintentionally. At my home church, we recently heard a message that identified a type of laziness I had never thought of before. Our pastor talked about how being busy can be a form of laziness. (You can check the message out here if you like.) Usually, when we think of laziness, we think of someone being...

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What If The Answer Is Closer Than You Think? [spoiler alert - kinda gross story]

So, it's come to this. I went to Costco to get a hearing aid! I KNOW RIGHT! I can't be getting older, I should be able to hear for a lot longer... and all the things.

When my appointment finally came around it was way shorter than planned for two reasons.

1- they said that asymmetrical hearing loss was a medical red flag and I needed to go to an ENT specialist before moving forward.

2- they threw me a curve ball and said my good ear was completely blocked and they wondered how I could hear out of it at all.

(This is where the gross part comes in.) They told me never to clean my ears with a Q-tip but to use soap and hot water in the shower. 

So, I tried it.

It didn't work!!

My "good ear" then became my bad ear! I must have dislodged the build-up and really messed up my ear. I couldn't even hear my blow dryer from that side that morning. With only the hearing from my bad ear, I was nearly deaf. It felt like people were teasing my, moving their lips but not saying anything....

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What If It's Simpler Than You Thought?!

What's your recurring dream?

  • Love to have a family vacation?
  • Want to write a book?
  • Hoping to be more at peace and sleep better?
  • Like to feel healthier and maybe have a little less around the middle?

Whether your dreams are for fun or accomplishment, for physical health or emotional well-being, or to upgrade your personal life or be a better assist to someone else, turning hopes and dreams into reality and memories could be as easy as good coaching!

Good Coaching helps you define the goal, remove the obstacles that have impeded forward movement, and set up a plan with reasonable action steps and clear follow-through. 

Maybe it is YOU* that is hoping and dreaming, or maybe you'd like to help others get unstuck. Walking down the Bridges Coaching ROAD helps people get "there". 

Where would you love to build a bridge to? 

Start here:

*Best Option: Life Coach Certification

Next Best Option: Coach Training Video Course

*Life Coaching: Associate Coaches Connections


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3 Ways To Keep That One Holiday Conversation From Getting Highjacked!

Not looking forward to certain conversations over the holidays? Let's talk about that friend or family member who is stuck. They have been thinking about doing something new or moving toward a goal, but they've been hovering around the idea or stuck in the hurt or habit for months, or maybe even years...

What if that holiday conversation could be something you looked forward to?

What if you could reframe that tricky topic as an opportunity to connect with God by sharing His deep love for that person? 

What if you could slow down and feel Him close, for yourself, during this season?

The possibilities for engaging with the Light during this season are more available than you may realize. If you seek Him, He can be found! Here are 3 simple tips that could make all the difference!

1- Release control!

What?! I hear it. You don't think you want to control others, that sounds so.... controlling. What you really want is for them to "get unstuck", find traction and be...

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Life Changing Gift Idea? (for your gift list or wish list)

Wish you could give a gift that would truly make a difference in someone's life?

Want to ask for something that could actually make next year THE year you moved forward?

"Traction" could be your answer.

This interactive workbook is a self-coaching step-by-step guide that walks you down the pathway called the coaching ROAD. Filled with inspirational photos and quotes, this book is designed to be used by an individual, a couple, or even a team.

Who do you know that could use some Traction? (Someone in a transition, or considering a new next step- a pastor or leader who could use these tools for helping others?)

Or maybe that person is you? Put this book on your list! (if you have been secretly considering coach training this would be a good first step!)

Check out our other product options for additional meaningful gifts*! 

This Christmas could be the beginning of something life-changing!

Merry Merry!

*If you decide on a personal retreat, video course, or any item that requires a...

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Beware The Drift...

Our church has been doing a series called, "Beware of the drift" on the book of Colossians. It's really got me thinking.

     Likely, no one plans in advance to gain 20 pounds in 10 years.

     Most people don't set out to become distant from family members.

     We're not intentional about building a habit of anxiety.

     We don't hope and dream to neglect our faith.

And yet, we drift toward all kinds of unintentional behaviors and unwanted habits.

Psalm 141:4a says,

     "Don’t let me drift toward evil or take part in acts of wickedness"

What if "wickedness" doesn't only means violence or intentionally hurting another person? Could it also include neglecting priorities or not pursuing what God has for you?

God offers believers so much - as a people group and personally. Let me explain.

As part of God's family, we are all offered forgiveness for whenever and however we miss the mark of...

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Which One Are You?

Dreamers tend to have an idea a minute. 

You know the type. They are pretty quick with a "What if?" They keep us moving forward, trying things and improving what is already there. 

Maybe you are the type. You have more vision than there are years in the century. It's a gift and a curse because you always have more good ideas, but it's hard because you probably can't do them all. (And let's be honest, sometimes you start stuff that doesn't get done.)

SO, how do you decide what to do when? And how? And with whom?

Coaching can help! In fact, that is one of the outcomes coaching is designed for!

Now, let's talk about Doers.

Doers get stuff done. Their focus is less on what could be and more on what is.

You know the type. They are hard-working, dependable, and responsible. They seem to be tireless.

Maybe you are the type. You don't need someone to check up on you because your internal motivation will keep things running smoothly and get the stuff checked off the...

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Why Jenn Was MAD At Me and What That Has To Do With Patrick Lencioni

Jenn is a business professional who goes to my church. She contacted me a number of months ago asking if there was any way I would mentor her. 

I responded with my usual thoughts about mentoring (Check out the mentoring blog here.) And that's exactly what she wanted. 

How fun!

Until our last session.

Jenn started out by pulling the Bridges "Traction" book out of her purse and told me she was "mad" at me and we would get to that later. We processed a work conundrum she was walking through and talked about the podcasts she had listened to since our last time together. She had asked me for book recommendations and so I had worked on a short list I thought might benefit her with descriptions of the books and whether they were secular or faith-based etc.

That's when she let me have it!

"Why is your book not on that list?", she asked in no uncertain terms.

"Your book has helped me more than almost any other I have read!"  (I mean, of course, I will mentor her if she...

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Demystifying SMART Goals! Bonus: Worksheet attached!

SMART goals

Everything starts with an idea, but some of the best ideas never grow to become real. Having ideas is a great and important first step. Making quality goals changes outcomes and ultimately transforms lives.

It has been said that if you aren’t sure where you are going you will surely get there (nowhere) or if you fail to aim you aim to fail!

In order to have a step-by-step plan or leading from God you need to have steps. You can always change them as He leads, but having them keeps in in motion. It is always easier to turn a moving ship, car, bike, skateboard... whatever.

To quote American philanthropist Elbert Hubbard, 

"Many people fail in life, not for lack of ability or brains or even courage, but simply because they have never organized their energies around a goal."

Dreams are unrefined hope and cost-free aspirations that we might do someday. Converting a dream to a goal is a decision to take tangible steps to pursue it. Goals are specific future...

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