How To Help Your Client Prep For The Next Time THAT Happens!

[Tips and Tools Series]

You know that thing. The one that really ticks you off. And you're like "AHHHH!!! Why does this keep happening? Can't they see this isn't right?"

Or maybe you're more self-focused and you react to the thing by wishing you weren't so________________ (insert self-judgment here, so quiet, so moody, so wordy, so hot.... whatever.)

Whichever it is here's a quick tip to prepare for the next time THAT happens. 

Let me introduce the "Rethink and Prethink".

It's simple really.

You go back to that moment in your mind and define when you were triggered and how you reacted. Whether the other person was at fault or the situation wasn't right is not our immediate concern, but more so how we reacted in that moment.

Many times we live in a state of regret or anger. Or maybe we vacillate between both. 

The key is to look back and redo what happened in your head. Then rethink it. What should you have done? How would you like to have shown up?

Now take what...

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