Giving The Gift Everyone Wants - Core Competency #5

Coaching Core Competency #5. Maintains Presence.

We all want it but struggle to give it. Presence.

I'm not going to go on a rant about social media. Social media is like sugar - too much and it's not healthy, but you need to decide how much and when you indulge. Granted social media is one of the biggest distractions that keeps us all from giving focused attention, but it is only one of them.

In our Coaching Culture training, we delve into metacognition and take a look at what kinds of self-talk are happening while we are trying to listen. Want to join us? Can you think of a conversation you have had where one or more of these thoughts is going on in your head while the other person is sharing?

  • I can't believe they are sharing this with me again... if I have to listen through this all one. more. time...
  • I went through the same thing, only worse, shall I share it with them?
  • I wonder what we should have for dinner.
  • I actually don't "have a minute" right now. How can I ask them to...
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Which Way Do You Naturally Tip?

presence Dec 11, 2023

Sometimes the holidays highlight our stuff! 

If we tend to say "yes" too frequently, this time of the year can find us being overbooked and potentially facing gift debt or maybe just gift guilt. It can be hard to set boundaries or see when enough is enough. 

OR maybe your default is to say "no" and you struggle with being Scrouge-ish or hermit-like.

Whether you naturally tip toward saying "yes" too much or saying "no" and missing out, God has good gifts in store FOR you this season!

My current screen saver has the picture above on it. it's there as a reminder in this season that all I need to do is slow down and breathe in the truth that Jesus IS the gift. I don't mean to be cliche at all. I am experiencing new levels of calm and peace amid all the stuff because I am learning to choose my focus more and more. 

I can choose to be overwhelmed about making the very best gift choices, OR I can ask for His presence to guide me and I can give it my best go.


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Dealing With Holiday Overwelm!

There's so much to do to prepare for the holidays!

Each layer deserves (maybe even demands) your attention - the travel plans, the gifting, the food. And then there's the relational connections - the upcoming conversations, the desire to make good memories together and not to have rubs or jabs or controversy. 

This most wonderful time of the year can easily become not-so-wonderful...

So, what's a person to do? What would it give you to feel like you had a handle on this season and it wasn't just happening to you?

Here's some tips to move toward experiencing peace on earth and joy to the world!

1) Identify your angst.

  • is it that you just need to take time to get organized? (*scroll down a bit for a plan) 
  • are you feeling the pressure of guilt or obligation?
  • is materialism clouding your view?

2) Take it to Jesus

Oh, how He wants to meet you in this season. In every season really. He wants to clarify what is unclear. He wants to bring peace where there is...

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