Are You Asking Powerful Questions? Eliminate AWKWARD Conversations Once And For All!

Ever have an awkward conversation with a co-worker, client, friend, spouse, child, sibling... really anyone?

Awkward conversations include one or more of the following:

  • Rambling one-sidedness
  • The same stories over and over
  • The same issues again and again
  • Shallow skimming - chat about the weather followed by:
  • Uncomfortable silence
  • Whining
  • Blaming
  • The expectation of my coming up with an answer or resolution

I used to have conversations with one or more of these elements all the time.

Now, I just ask better questions. Powerful questions even.

In fact, when you have good coaching conversational tools in your tool belt, a lot more than your conversations can change. Awareness can be created. Destinies can be altered. Futures can be gained.

Here are just a few examples that have changed my life and the life of others around me.

  • "Where do you want to be in 5 years?"
  • "What’s holding you back?"
  • "What would your life look like if 'that' was no longer an issue?
  • "If you say 'Yes' to...
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3 Essential Elements To Being Coachable [Step 1: Choose A Goal]

Coaching isn’t for the weak. Moving forward isn’t usually easy. It takes clarity, confidence and courage to advance, for both the coach and the coachee.

Let’s break it down. If Coaching = moving from here to there, then a vital element in the coaching conversation starts with the “there”.

If someone isn’t sure where they are heading, they are just roaming.

Roaming means wandering around, or not having a destination. There are two common detriments that distract people from having a focus.

1. Lack of vision. This type of roaming focuses more on circumstances than the change needed to experience release. It comes out as complaining and can disguise itself in the need for empathy and validation while being absent of hope and forward movement. [The 10 spies had this problem! What they saw was real, they just didn’t have the right focus. Or the guy with one talent who did nothing with it…]

Honestly this can happen for me when I am looking...

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