3 Kinds of Contemplative Question Ideas to Reflect and Connect!

New Years can be a time for reflection and connection. This practice can be powerful as it can direct your perspective to what matters most. It offers an opportunity for gratitude, makes space for a reality check, and, if done well, sheds light on the future God has for you. 

Let's look at some questions that can help in each area. 

But first, let's set you up for success:

  1. Decide how you will invest: on your own, with a partner, or with a group? 
  2. Choose a time for contemplation. Maybe New Year's Eve is not the best time for reflection in your house, or maybe it is? Would New Year's Day work better or should you set a time not connected with the 31st or the 1st to think about what God has for your New Year.
  3. Then see yourself there reflecting. Where do you see this happening? In the car driving home from the holidays, at a coffee shop, in your living room, or at your kitchen table? It's good to choose a place where you are comfortable and undistracted. 


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