Is The Scale The Answer?

What your scale tells you is just data. It gives you a fact - the honest truth about your weight.

The scale can be your friend if it tells you something you like, or your enemy if it doesn't. But the truth is the scale is just a tool to help you see what really is.

For me the scale is motivation!

If I like what I see it is motivation to keep up the good work, and if I don't like what I see it is a reminder that true change will take intentionality.

That's the bottom line really.

Change rarely happens by accident. It's hardly ever a surprise. 

If I don't like what I see I have two options, well three maybe.

1) I can choose to do something about what I see.

This will include making a plan for an alternative outcome. It will likely include some trial and error, some intentionality and grit, and will probably require a realistic look at a reasonable timeline for effecting change.

2) I can avoid seeing and just not weigh myself anymore.

This plan will avoid...

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