How The Escape Room Craze Smacks of the Coaching Quest!

In Bridges Coaching one of the foundational tools we use is called the Always Circle. It is built on these three statements:

- There is always going to be stuff.

- God always offers a plan.

- We always make choices.

See the three "always" in there. Hence the name, Always Circle.

One of the reasons we are intrigued by Escape Rooms is that we know there is a solution and we want to see if we can figure it out. 

Coaching can be like that - if we believe in God.

We have some sort of "stuff". We need to make a decision, or we need a pathway to move forward. We want healing. We're looking for connection. There is something in our life that requires attention and we are hoping for resolution.

In an Escape Room setting, we know that there IS a way out. Others have gone before us. the quest is to figure it out in a certain amount of time and "escape" from the room.

In a Coaching conversation, the parameters are similar. Let's take a look at the parts of the Always Circle...

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The Skinny On Bridges Coaching! (and a quick dependence quiz)

Bridges Coaching exists to make disciples, not dependents.

We do this through:

It's easy to go through life unintentionally not engaging in what God has for you personally.

It takes clarity and intentionality to move with purpose engaging in God's unique best next step for you! 

Most people don't mean to be dependent but here's how you could tell if you are tending that way. Give yourself 1 point for a positive response to any of these 10 markers.

___ I would prefer if someone would just tell me what to do.

___ If only things would come together for me as they do for everyone else.

___ I can't be expected to adult, I just never got the tools.

___ If the right leader would just mentor me, then I could really become...

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What You Will Get, Or Miss From Coaching Training (Guest Blog by April Lonneville)

Editor's Note: April facilitates the Destiny by Design cohorts as well as peer pairs for Coaching Culture. She and her husband John have four girls and live in upstate NY. Our Destiny by Design course will help you unlock the personal path God has created for you, and learn how to lead others in finding their destiny as well. Simply put, we believe when you know who you were designed to be you know who you are meant to become. 

Most days were pretty good overall. We had a fairly consistent routine that kept things running smoothly. Smooth like that one road with the potholes and unexpected bumps that make you spill your hot coffee on your white pants (not that moms actually wear white pants, but you get what I am saying.)

I didn’t expect this season of high demand 'momming' to be easy. I expected having 4 girls would be messy and joyfully exhausting. But, this level of frustration that seemed to happen between 3:30 pm and 7:30 pm had to change.

I wanted more...

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Four “If’s” To Clarify Your Plotline

All good stories have one thing in common. All of them.

Think about it. Got any ideas?

Here’s a hint. Have you ever stopped watching a series? The number one reason people stop watching a series, or skip ahead in a book, is because they are bored.

Here it is: one thing all good stories have in common is a plot!

The plot gives us a reason to keep watching. We are wondering what’s going to happen?


If you are bored with your life, it’s likely your plot line is lagging. Have you given up hope? Are you not sure what’s next?

Having a destination clarifies the journey!

  • If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know what your next step is?
  • If you don’t have a purpose, your adventure is on pause.
  • If you can’t move forward for some reason, removing that reason can be your next target.
  • If you don’t have a dream, whose dream could your skills make happen?

If you are still living there is a reason. God has something for you to...

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