What's The Problem?

Step 2 in the StoryBrand framework is "who has a problem".

Last time we talked about who the character is, the person being coached, and this time we are delving into the focus - what is the problem?

Having a focus is a valuable way a coaching conversation differs from other types of conversations. Normally, when talking with a friend we wander all over the place. It's kind of like a Sunday drive, the point is not to get somewhere, it is simply to spend time with each other. Nothing wrong with a Sunday drive, unless you ARE trying to get somewhere. 

Choosing a focus is foundational for any good coaching conversation. We are not going to talk about all kinds of goals we are going to clarify a specific goal early on in the conversation and then make sure we are focusing on what the person being coached wants and needs.

The conversation is kind of like an Uber driver and the person being coached is the one who decides where the conversation is supposed to go. 


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Donald Miller, StoryBrand & Coaching

Donald Miller first came on the national scene as the author of Blue Like Jazz. A movie was recently made of the book so you can catch that if you like, it's sad and may make some angry, but it's his story and was part of his journey to becoming a thought leader in explaining and understanding how people make decisions.

Today, Miller leads a marketing company called StoryBrand. He builds a premise for forwarding products that takes a refreshingly different, and surprisingly kingdom-minded, approach. 

We'll be taking a look at how the StoryBrand approach is in many ways similar to a good coaching session. 

In essence, Coaching is helping someone write the story they want to live.

What's your story? Are you who you want to be?

How about those around you? Those who look to you? Are you helping them write their stories?

Here's a quick overview of StoryBrand. (I found this on google, so I think it is okay to share it, but want to include a plug for the book by the same name,...

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