Ten Quick Tips for Leading Groups Online (#7 is a game changer!)

If you’ve never led a group online these tips can help! (Many work for live groups as well.)

1) Pray for your group as you prepare. Even if you are preparing on the fly, shoot up a breathe prayer for God to guide.

2) Open up with a greeting and give a quick overview of what is going to happen. 

For us at Worship Center - that’s easy! We walk through the pathway provided just after the message notes in the app. (Here's an example.)

3) Inform, or remind, people of a couple best practices.

  • How to mute your mic and when that is important - like if there is any background noise at all: children, animals, traffic, etc.
  • Where to find the gallery view or speaker view.
  • Highlight the chat option, if your online service offers that.

(I LOVE the chat option for online groups. It provides an opportunity for everyone to participate at the same time. Try using it with a question like: “Of the three things mentioned, which one stands out to you and why?” Everyone can...

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