Looking For A Good Coach? (If not, you should be!)

coaches life coach Mar 28, 2021

Coaching isn't just for stuck people.

And t's not solely for dreamers who need to be doers. 

Coaching is for journeyers! 

A good coach partners with you as you clarify: where you are going, how you are going to get there, and what your very next step is. Then, they walk with you as you move forward.

Every believer is on a journey specifically designed for them. 

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10

How's your journey going? 

Who's coaching you!?

Bridges Coaching offers a group of available coaches on our Associate Coaches page. A special welcome and recommendation to Barb Ranck and Jessi Zimmerman making their debut! 


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How 5 Bridges Alumni Are Using Their Coach Training

People often ask what is needed to actually launch a coaching practice.

The answer varies from state to state, but for most, the bottom line is that once you have completed the legal checkoff list for your state, you simply need to be good at your craft.

Most of us don’t check the credentials on the wall of the massage therapist, we just go back if they help us out.

Bridges Coaching Life coach certification is designed to help you do just that – actually help people out! While there is a Next Level Training that Bridges offers (contact us if you want to know more), the first level course was designed to be one-stop shopping. You will have everything needed (skills-wise) to set up sessions that actually help people.

Here are a couple of shout outs to a few of our alumni and their organizations!

Barb Ranck – Your Clear Next Step and Courageously Imperfect

"Barb shared, Hi Cindy! My site is https://www.cicandd.com which stands for CI Coaching & Development. CI...

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5 Fears All Good Leaders Have

We all have them, or at least we should.

Good leaders want to hit the mark. They want to make a difference. They want to be worthy of following. Good leaders want to help others toward achieving clear goals and helping them get there in the best way possible.

That being said – here are five fears all good leaders have.

  1. Fear of missing the mark.
  2. Fear of being status quo.
  3. Fear of leading people in the wrong direction, or maybe just not the best direction.
  4. Fear of nebulous targets.
  5. Fear of a floundering pathway.

These healthy “fears” should fuel good leaders toward good leadership!

Yet most of us have probably had experiences where the goals were not inspiring and action steps were not actually clear. Sometimes, it seems we need to go back to a document or email to remember where we were going or what we supposed to be doing.

Good Coach Training will clear up these concerns and alleviate these fears once and for all!

Before understanding the coaching...

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3 Common Ministry Mistakes Well-Meaning Leaders Make

We don’t mean to, but it happens...

We set out to help people, but sometimes we end up not being effective at best, and possibly even hurting at worst.

Here are 3 mistakes well-meaning leaders make:

1. We tell people what to do.

In the long run, this approach can backfire one of two ways. One, if we are right, we have taught people they need to come to us in order to move forward. This puts a cap on our leadership potential to however many people we can meet within a day or week. Two, if we are wrong, it’s even worse. They can become bitter toward us or even toward God.

What if instead of telling people what to do we taught them how to discern for themselves?

2. We have the same conversations over and over.

Have you ever seen a person’s name pop up on your phone and had a little groan pop up in your heart? Be honest. Sometimes, we have the same conversations over and over with people who are stuck in some sort of way.

What if you were able to direct...

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