[Tips & Tools Series]
We've all been there.
Whether you are hoping to help someone else or trying to figure things out for yourself, being puzzled or confused about how to process something is difficult.
In Tom Paterson's STRATOP process he uses 4 clarifying questions that can bring clarity set anyone up for success.
I've personally used these questions to better understand everything from relational interactions to evaluating organizational structure. They are especially valuable for reviewing events and systems and can be used for family, ministry, or work interactions.
BUT WAIT - before you read any further. Pause a moment and pick an actual item you would like to assess. It could be just about anything. Think of a relationship, situation, or even an event where you would like to have a better understanding of what is going on.
Okay - got it?
Now you can read on!
1) What's right?
Verbalizing what is good about the situation is a healthy and valuable...
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