Coaching isn't just for professionals! Is it time?

Seriously, have you ever actually considered coach training?

It's one thing to hear about the discipleship and growth concepts in coaching, but another to experience and know them.


Maybe summer is your best time to lean in? Maybe it's time to invest in yourself and your kingdom impact?

Learn more here. Click the "Save your seat" button to connect with this summer's cohort facilitator Sarah!

(Registration closes May 31 - cohort starts June 5th)



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What You Will Get, Or Miss From Coaching Training (Guest Blog by April Lonneville)

Editor's Note: April facilitates the Destiny by Design cohorts as well as peer pairs for Coaching Culture. She and her husband John have four girls and live in upstate NY. Our Destiny by Design course will help you unlock the personal path God has created for you, and learn how to lead others in finding their destiny as well. Simply put, we believe when you know who you were designed to be you know who you are meant to become. 

Most days were pretty good overall. We had a fairly consistent routine that kept things running smoothly. Smooth like that one road with the potholes and unexpected bumps that make you spill your hot coffee on your white pants (not that moms actually wear white pants, but you get what I am saying.)

I didn’t expect this season of high demand 'momming' to be easy. I expected having 4 girls would be messy and joyfully exhausting. But, this level of frustration that seemed to happen between 3:30 pm and 7:30 pm had to change.

I wanted more...

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How To Facilitate An Aha Moment (It’s easier than you think)

Ahhh…. That glorious “Aha moment”!

This is the actual moment in time when someone sees something differently for the first time. It could be that they:

  • recognize a dream
  • identify and obstacle
  • own a viewpoint
  • see a way forward that they never saw before

The Aha Moment is a hope and joy for every coaching leader, and truly for every person being coached!

The Aha Moment brings clarity, hope and vision that were not there before it happened.

The Aha Moment is the first step in getting unstuck.

So, how do we get there? How can we facilitate an Aha Moment?!

The best thing we can do as coaches is to provide a safe place for processing. This opens the door of opportunity for two things to happen.

1) The person being coached gets the floor.

Simply allowing someone “air time” to verbalize what they are going through can produce an Aha Moment. I can think of a number of times I was going through something, took it to a friend or leader and as I talked out what...

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Five Surefire Ways To Stifle A Quality Conversation

Are you looking for ways to shut someone down while they are sharing?!

Probably not, but it’s almost too easy to do without knowing.

Check out these tongue-in-check conversation killers to see if you are guilty of stifling a quality conversation.

1) One up their story – Your story is probably better or worse than theirs and likely a lot more interesting. So, see if you can get them to stop sharing by telling your similar story with more color or finesse. See if you can get them to feel guilty since your have gone through something far more difficult or silly for celebrating since your deal was grander!

2) Interrupt – Cut to the chase by finishing their sentences for them. This will save time and keep them from having to find words that truly express what they are thinking or feeling.

3) Jump to conclusions – You probably know what’s going on in their life better than they do, so go ahead and decide in advance of hearing them out. This will help them...

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