In Bridges Coaching, we use a process called the ROAD. It is an acronym for moving forward. It begins with R for Recognition.
It all starts here. We can not move forward if we have not identified the goal. No one uses a GPS on a Sunday drive. Life is not simply a Sunday drive. God asks us to partner with Him toward the individual goals and personal destiny in mind for each of us.
There are two types of foci God wants us to move toward.
So, you have a goal, a place you want to build a bridge to, but now what?
(If you missed that blog - start there.)
Most times when we finally decide to do something we jump straight into building action steps. And while I love me some action steps, there's an important foundational step we need to do before we go there.
It has to do with assessing your starting place.
Taking time to discern any possible obstacles will set you up for success better than simply jumping right into action steps. You need to ask yourself if there has been anything that has held you back in the past from moving forward in whatever area you are focusing on.
If there are lies that need to be replaced you can start there.
If you have a history of not following through, it is worth looking in to so you can set yourself up for complete follow-through this time.
If you deal with blame or excuse, it will be important to address those pitfalls before you start anything.
Some people call this...
So let's say you did it!
You achieved your goal!
You lost the weight or developed the new habit. You removed the lie and embraced the truth. You navigated a difficult conversation or built a bridge to a better relationship.
Whatever you did it took work!
Whatever you did it was worth the effort!
But now what? If your goal was not a project you were completing, you are susceptible to falling right back into your old ways. After all, you have spent more of your life doing whatever you did before than you have doing it the new way.
Just because you did it once, or even a few times, does not make it your new normal - yet.
(And even if the goal you achieved was completing a project of sorts, some of the following principles will still apply.)
What will it take to maintain your gain?l
At Bridges Coaching, we like to use two methods - Intentional Evaluation and Feedback. You can decide which would best suit your situation.
Intentional Evaluation is something you can do on...
Life is a journey. We have a final destination and lots of big and little milestones along the way.
Unless we don't.
It is possible to just drift through life... Drifting is like living in rote, doing the same things over and over without taking notice - without celebrating milestones, planning for new memories, or moving toward valued goals.
Sometimes I personally miss celebrating and just move on to the next goal without stopping to acknowledge what just happened! How sad. I'm embarrassed to say that living in the moment is often hard for me, even when I am with family I am envisioning how long it will be till we get to be together again.
Good coaching includes planning for celebration!
First, we need to choose a worthy goal like:
Then we work the system and adjust as needed. (See the demystifying SMART goals blog...
Helping people help people is what Bridges Coaching is all about! If you are in the business of helping it can be easy to take responsibility for other people’s forward movement, but even God offers free will. That is why coach training is so valuable!
Here is a pathway of simple questions that can benefit both you and the people you work with. Let’s take a conversational trip on the Bridges Coaching ROAD:
Sometimes the “Ah ha” moment a person is looking for can be as simple as figuring out what they are really trying to figure out. God is always moving us toward alignment with His purposes in our lives and our world. People may ramble in conversation and helping them move forward may be as simple as asking some directed questions:
What is it that you really want to focus on?
Friends of this question could be: What is the core issue? or What is the question you need answered?
In any event, this is...
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