It's All About The Donuts? [Guest Blog by Natalie Scott Fabretti]

Maybe you can relate...

I love donuts (ok, everyone can relate to that, I hear they even make gluten-free now).

My favorite donut place is Ridge Donut in Greece, NY. I donut go there often (see what I did there?) so I often get confused about which exit to take. I always think to myself “I will know it when I get there”.

The last 2 times, I have overshot and had to take the next available exit then monkey around to get back to the shop.

I could’ve used Google maps. I could write down the correct exit. I could phone a friend.

But I didn’t.

Life lessons can feel that way too.

I am a passionate person and one thing I have been trying to work on is using my emotions as indicators instead of becoming a slave to them. I can feel myself getting angry or overwhelming sad by circumstances that don’t go my way.

Similar to the donut exit, I think I will know what to do when I get there.

But the truth is, I don’t.

There are many resources like the...

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