Why Hermits Don’t Need Coach Training (And Five Reasons Other People Love It!)

I’m not really sure if this guy is a hermit or not. In fact when I looked for a photo to use I had to search on the word “Lonely” instead of hermit. (I only got crabs when I searched using “hermit”.)

Next I thought I would make a list of stereo typical things people think about hermits but the only universal one I could come up with is they don’t interact with other people much or at all.

So what’s that got to do with coach training?

Let me back up a bit and give you a few reasons people take coach training.

  • They want to enhance their leadership skills and help their people grow.
  • They heard coaching is Biblical and they want to check it out.
  • They want to be better parents, and help their children take ownership for their lives.
  • They are looking for tools to build better relational skills.
  • They heard coaching helped others in their marriage and with other family relationships.

When marketing people ask me “Who would benefit from coach training?” I pretty much answer by saying, “Anyone who’s not a hermit!” They don’t usually like that answer, but it is the truth.

If you work for someone or have direct reports, if you have parents, children friends or family, if you are a leader, or want to grow in your ability to help others, coach training can take your connections to next levels.

I often get trainees who take coach training for one reason and end up having side effects of added benefits! Businessmen find these tools help them not only in business but with their children. Pastors find their counselees getting new traction for growth and their staff valuing the new perspective as well. Moms find new nexts to move toward personally. And the list goes on.

Maybe it’s time to consider what coach training could do for you and the people around you?!

(Unless of course you are a hermit, but then again you probably wouldn’t be reading this blog…)


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