4 Reasons People Put Off Destiny By Design, And How They Felt Later

Uncategorized Aug 24, 2020


Here are 4 reasons we’ve seen people put this off and then how they felt about it later.

1. “I can’t really afford it at this time.”


”Why didn’t I find the money? I would have saved so much if I knew where I was going instead of wasting it on other pursuits.”

2. “I don’t really have time for this right now.”


”If I waited until I ‘had time’ I’d have to wait till I retire. I’m so glad I made time. This changed the course of my life.”

3. “I’m not sure if I really need this.”


”If only I knew then what I know now, it could have been so much different. I didn’t know what I didn’t know – if that makes sense.”

4. “What if I don’t really have anything unique in me to dig into?”


”I had no idea I thought so differently from others or had unique passions and giftings. I feel so compelled to be me now!”

Which reason fits you best right now?

How will you feel on the other side of this?

Is it time to join in before this season launches?

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