Defining “Coachable” is vital!
In Part 1 of this series we saw that without choosing a focus the coaching conversation (and our lives) are just rambling around with no destination.
Once we know where we are going we need to have a way to get there.
It seems elementary, but just like no one sets out intentionally to not focus, few people choose a focus and then choose not to make a plan.
We all do it though.
We want something that we aren’t really doing anything about.
Which of these are on your list?
The list could go on and on, but it doesn’t need to.
Once we have narrowed down our possibles to one specific next goal, we can take Step 2 and begin the journey. (See the Part 1 post if you need help here.)
There are a lot of O words and Opportunities involved here. (See what I did there with the O?)
Ownership: Life satisfaction and forward movement are available for those who seek God for His plan. (Translation: just waiting for something to happen or some else to “do something” for you is less likely to produce results than choosing to take responsibility.)
Obstacles: Identifying and removing whatever has been blocking the path clears the way.
Options: Freeform brainstorming here is usually helpful.
Opportunities mean possibilities. There is not a right and wrong way to move forward. However it is fairly certain that if nothing is done not much will change…
Here’s some questions that can enlighten next steps:
We can’t look at this step without defining success. In Bridges Coaching we say:
This means that success can not be defined by securing our preferred outcome on the first try, but rather that we are walking forward on our personal journey leaning in to what we believe in faith He has for us next. Sometimes that means we learn to hear Him better by trying something only to find out it didn’t work like we thought it would
In all honesty – I’m still “trying” to market better. I am so blessed with the trainees that I have had the privilege of working with, AND I am getting better at offering what I do in a way that explains the value add people will receive from training. I’m even traveling to Arizona for a workshop on how to do this better.
What if I gave up the first time I didn’t get as many trainees as I had hoped? Or what about the summer that no one signed up? I’m going to get better and I’m going to keep trying.
I think He loves it when we try things. I believe He smiles at us in that moment just like a parent smiles when their child is learning to walk.
This is my prayer for you: that your love will grow more and more; that you will have knowledge and understanding with your love; that you will see the difference between good and bad and will choose the good; that you will be pure and without wrong for the coming of Christ; that you will be filled with the good things produced in your life by Christ to bring glory and praise to God. Phillipians 1:9-11
So what about you? What do you need to try? Or keep trying?
How can you help others move forward? Which of the questions above might be good in an ongoing conversation you have been having?
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